OrgDesigners, Trainers & Coaches

Empowering Consultants To Build Great Teams

Toolset and skills to deliver better org designs to your clients.

teamdecoder is a platform to document how a team works, find potential, develop a better structure, implement it and continuously optimize it.

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Community Purpose

teamdecoder was created to make life easier for coaches, trainers, and consultants. While documenting roles in tools like PowerPoint, Miro, Trello, or Notion works as a workshop summary, it’s not a sustainable system for long-term team use. We see teamdecoder as a platform where we can grow together, reflecting our collective experiences and shaping its future.

We invite you to join us on this journey.

Our offer for you:


Special Features: Like transferring your work into client accounts once the project is over, creating different teams for different clients in one account, inviting co-admins to collaborate, and many more ...

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Referral Benefits: For every company that creates a paid teamdecoder account using your personal referral link, you’ll earn 20% credit on all their purchases within the next 12 months!


Join the teamdecoder Academy & Community: Participate in workshops and trainings led by our founder, Kai, at no cost. Watch webinar replays, receive event invitations and exchange with others.

Follow us on LinkedIn

Creating teams for your clients

Utilize teamdecoder with your clients to define roles, responsibilities and workloads, then seamlessly transition the team to a client account post-project.

The advantages are:

Centralize all project outcomes, from flipcharts to digital boards, in one accessible place.
Empower teams to independently continue the work after your departure.
Ensure sensitive data remains with the client, not with you.


mytpt explained in simple words:

MyTeamPlanningTool (mytpt) is an online tool for department heads and team coaches.

What's the benefit?

Clarity and transparency on who does what, why and with whom

For teams with strategic challenges, need for restructuring and/or conflicts

What do I use it for?

To build, document and develop (new) organizational structures with teams, roles and connections.

7 color coded lists, kanban style:

1x people

4x roles

2x circles

mytpt’s magic lies in its Focus Modes

FOCUS MODE lets you build TEAMS out of ROLES and puts them into REPORTS for PEOPLE

Are you facing one or more of these questions?

  • The pandemic hit, everyone left to do home office or work from a remote location. Now some of them come back, some stay away, some come in sometimes .... Seems a little difficult to manage and clarity is needed!
  • My team grew and grew - somehow the structure does not make sense anymore
  • We are doing so many new things and hired new specialists, our structure does not reflect the needs or even reality anymore
  • all these new specialists know their subjects much better than their bosses - how can I get them away from "Command & Control" leadership styles?
  • We are ready for more "Frame & Trust" - but how and where to set these frames??
  • How can I help my team to be better connected and stay that way? Inside and to the outside ...
  • Why can't the way we organize develop together with what we do?
  • The job descriptions that we have today have really no meaning at all. We use them once for hiring and then never again. Why can't they develop with the work and the people?
  • Our (sub)departments are not helping us in our daily business. Can't I just "delete" them?
  • We are bad at managing projects and clarifying roles and responsibilities. How and where can we define and live all that?
  • Do I really need to create a new level in the hierarchy pyramid?
  • Or: We definitely have too many hierarchy levels! What can we do?

Well, I have heard these and similar questions over and over again, which made me think 2 things:

a) We need new ideas for structuring teams and
b) We need a good tool to do that!

in mytpt ...

  • ... all necessary roles, teams and connections are built and developed.
  • ... everything you discuss about "who does what" is always documented.
  • ... all team members can check what is expected from them at all times.