Let's Build More Dream Teams!

Role clarity and workload planning
for new teams and teams in transformation,
their members, leaders and consultants,
to improve resilience, happiness and performance.

Easy to use web APP for implementation and transparency

teamdecoder FRAMEWORK for role based work

"Campfire" PROCESS for a sustainable transformation

These are some of our happy teamdecoder users

Latest News & Updates

LinkedIn Live:
Hol Dein Team aus der Überlastung

Wie das td Framework und "Live Team Decoding" helfen, Zeit für wichtigere Dinge zu schaffen.

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How To Craft A Dream Team

In cooperation with our partner European Champions Alliance we held this webinar for startups:

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3 New Workshops

“Live Team Decoding”,  “AI as new team member” and Onboarding are available now.

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Academy startet wieder im September

Was ist eine Rolle? Wie führt man Rollen ein? Welchen Barrieren begegnet man?

Jetzt informieren

New Feature:
Workload Planning

Role clarity and workload planning go hand in hand. FTEs per person and per role make availabilities very clear.

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New Feature:
Compare Mode

Drag & drop roles between people and task between roles and skills - super cool in meetings!

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Who is teamdecoder for?

Every team can profit from role-based work, especially new teams and teams in transformation.

Get organized from day #1 and don't trust an org chart!

How to build your dream team: teamdecoder is perfect to set up and manage roles and to prepare for growth in a small team. The teamdecoder framework is easy to comprehend and to integrate (> more info). Every subscription comes with our  "How-To-Build-A-Dream-Team" guide!

Subscribe online and simply use our extensive > knowledge base and > helpdesk contents for self-onboarding. We're here to support you along the way!

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Enrich your toolset and make your consulting sustainable!

Helping teams define and clarify roles? Use teamdecoder to document your work and hand it over to your client at the end of the project for them to continue the work.

Get in touch with us to profit from special discounts and kickbacks. We would be happy to welcome you to our teamdecoder community!

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Here comes support for teams and their leaders to organize work better!

You lead a team in need of transformation and resilience? Well-defined roles will help you get there and teamdecoder will be your management cockpit!

Our consultancy services help you find a structural and role-based solution to your challenge — including onboarding and training on the teamdecoder platform.

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Overcoming Obstacles: Real-World Examples with teamdecoder

7 lists. 1 simple framework.

teamdecoder has 7 lists to enable role-based work: People (yellow), different kinds of roles (blue) and combinations of those, in circles and projects (green). The different view modes help you navigate and build profiles - it's the connections between those lists that create the magic!

The tour is not available on mobile

Working with teamdecoder will change the way team members interact

teamdecoder helps facilitate reflections and decision making around roles and responsibilities and improves the team's ability to find solutions.

Steering Cockpit

teamdecoder is a "steering cockpit" for the team leader to better manage the team


Every team member finally has a job-description evolving with the business.


Every team member can see (and soon also comment) who does what, why and with whom.


Clarification of roles, responsibilities and connections helps manage expectations.

teamdecoder is not one more collaboration tool!

teamdecoder is a tool to help you understand how teams work and improve the way they do. This can result in better team collaboration, that happen IRL, outside of teamdecoder :)

As a tool for analyzing and re-building a team's structure, teamdecoder is complementary to other tools you might use. teamdecoder helps you set the ground rules for resource planning and project management.

Big rule: Do the roles first!

What is "role-based" work?

Meet Hannah. Hannah is a developer (= role) and all developers meet in the tech circle. She is also a circular economy expert ( = also a role, her 2nd) and with this role she is part of the sustainability circle. Then there is Claude. Claude and Hannah are both circular economy experts, so they work together in the sustainability circle. And Claude is also a designer (= his 2nd role), with which he is part of the marketing circle.

mytpt explained in simple words:

MyTeamPlanningTool (mytpt) is an online tool for department heads and team coaches.

What's the benefit?

Clarity and transparency on who does what, why and with whom

For teams with strategic challenges, need for restructuring and/or conflicts

What do I use it for?

To build, document and develop (new) organizational structures with teams, roles and connections.

7 color coded lists, kanban style:

1x people

4x roles

2x circles

mytpt’s magic lies in its Focus Modes

FOCUS MODE lets you build TEAMS out of ROLES and puts them into REPORTS for PEOPLE

How clear roles can drive collaboration, increase efficiency, solve conflicts and empower:

(teamdecoder was formerly called "mytpt")

Are you facing one or more of these questions?

  • The pandemic hit, everyone left to do home office or work from a remote location. Now some of them come back, some stay away, some come in sometimes .... Seems a little difficult to manage and clarity is needed!
  • My team grew and grew - somehow the structure does not make sense anymore
  • We are doing so many new things and hired new specialists, our structure does not reflect the needs or even reality anymore
  • all these new specialists know their subjects much better than their bosses - how can I get them away from "Command & Control" leadership styles?
  • We are ready for more "Frame & Trust" - but how and where to set these frames??
  • How can I help my team to be better connected and stay that way? Inside and to the outside ...
  • Why can't the way we organize develop together with what we do?
  • The job descriptions that we have today have really no meaning at all. We use them once for hiring and then never again. Why can't they develop with the work and the people?
  • Our (sub)departments are not helping us in our daily business. Can't I just "delete" them?
  • We are bad at managing projects and clarifying roles and responsibilities. How and where can we define and live all that?
  • Do I really need to create a new level in the hierarchy pyramid?
  • Or: We definitely have too many hierarchy levels! What can we do?

Well, I have heard these and similar questions over and over again, which made me think 2 things:

a) We need new ideas for structuring teams and
b) We need a good tool to do that!

in mytpt ...

  • ... all necessary roles, teams and connections are built and developed.
  • ... everything you discuss about "who does what" is always documented.
  • ... all team members can check what is expected from them at all times.
  • These are some of our happy teamdecoder users

    Sweet teams are made of this!
    Your transformation won't disagree.

    Start with a FREE account today, no credit card details required, and try out all the features teamdecoder has to offer. We will always be there should you have questions or need support in finding the best way for YOUR team to get the most out of teamdecoder.

    Full access. No credit card required.